Empfang / Discover Alsace Bossue / Leisure activities / Geocaching

Au Kircherg - Berg
Adresse :
67320 Berg
Kontakt :
Office de tourisme de l'Alsace Bossue
90 rue Principale
67430 Lorentzen
Tel : 03 88 00 40 39
Mail : tourisme@alsace-bossue.net
This unique and beautiful site was probably one of the first sites of Christian worship in the area. The Kirchberg Chapel is on a promontory 349m above sea level on the watershed between the River Eichel and the River Saar. By climbing the staircase in the chapel you can reach the top of its white steeple where you will be rewarded with an unforgettable view over Alsace Bossue. The chapel is dedicated to St Martin, very sacred to the Franks, the peoples that lived in this area in the latter part of the first millennium.. A number of guided tours and several well-marked and attractive forest walks start at the chapel. Panels in English, French and German provide detailed visitor information.
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Clue for caching :
1ère cache : dans un creux au pied du plus grand arbre, attention aux moldus juste au dessus, 2ème cache : fouiller les fondations du mur, derrière un caillou, 3ème cache : dans un buisson e descendant vers le banc côté droit, quittez le sentier
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